What really is BRAIN FOG?

Ever have those days when it feels like your mind is in a cloud?

Brain fog, is no stranger to anyone.

It’s that feeling of sluggishness, forgetfulness, and general cloudiness in your head. You’re not alone; we’ve all been there.

There are many ways to lift your fog and reinvigorate mental clarity and inner excitement…

1. Do things that align with you and uplift you

Brain fog often occurs when your energy is depleted or stagnant.

Often we feel like this when we are dreading a task — subconsciously or consciously.

Have you ever felt so tired and drained (maybe watching the clock at work) and then a friend calls and suggests you meet up to do something you love and then all of a sudden you find energy from nowhere?

Yeah me too. That’s because more often than not, the feeling of being tired and lethargic is all in your mind.

It’s because you are not engaging in things that light you up and fuel the fire in your belly.

You may need to dig a bit deeper — Perhaps you’re in a job where you are wishing hours of your life away.

You could be forcing yourself into a style of exercise that you don’t find enjoyable.

Maybe you’re spending time with people who drain your energy or make you feel anxious or judgemental of yourself and others.

It might be time to consider making some shifts.

When you force yourself to do things that feel like a job and a burden — It’s like a traffic jam in your head, and your thoughts can’t find their way through.

When you do the things that align with you, uplift you and fuel the fire in your belly, you vibrate at a higher frequency.

Your mind is clear, you feel an excitement and ambition in your belly and you start to attract and welcome opportunity.

Brain fog does not exist in this high vibe frequency.

2. Discover your Ikigai. Discover your Dharma.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that captures the essence of finding purpose and fulfilment in life.

Ikigai is the union of four fundamental elements:

What you love

What you are good at

What the world needs

What you can be paid for

When you can find a balance in life between these four elements you will uncover a unique and meaningful harmony that guides you toward a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Ikigai is more than a career or a passion; it’s a holistic approach to living that aligns your personal values with societal contribution, cultivating a harmonious and fulfilling existence.

Dharma is a concept in Indian spirituality.

You are living within your Dharma when you align your passion and your purpose to selflessly serve others.

It is considered a path to balanced living, personal development, and understanding your role in the bigger picture of life — akin to Ikigai; a harmonious and fulfilling existence.

Jay Shetty teaches us that ‘Dharma is passion in service of others. Your passion is for you. Your purpose is for others. Your dharma has to fill a need in the world.’

Your dharma is already within you… It’s woven into your being. If we keep our minds open and curious, our dharmas announce themselves.’

3. Move Your Body. Shift Energy.

Sometimes the big shifts take a bit of time.

One quick way to shift your energy, release feel-good hormones and chemicals, transform your perspective and give you a positive outlook, is to move your body.

Movement gets the blood pumping, and with it comes a fresh supply of oxygen and nutrients to your brain.

When you get up, stretch, and engage in physical movement you kickstart a process that releases pent-up energy.

So whether it’s morning yoga, a walk, stretching or going to the gym; moving your body can help break up the brain fog and get your mind feeling clear and focused.

4. Body Tapping (EFT)

Body tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), is a transformative practice that involves gently tapping your fingers against your skin.

The rhythmic tapping sends signals to your brain that promotes relaxation and a sense of safety.

Start at your head and slowly tap down your face, moving all the way down your body.

This helps to alleviate stress, bring you out of your mind and into your body, it relieves anxiety and even physical discomfort.

To go deeper, you can even tap specific meridian points throughout your body.

This technique has the ability to shift stagnant energy, release emotional blockages, and transform your mindset.

By tapping on these energy points, you not only stimulate your body’s energy flow but also disrupt negative thought patterns and emotional distress.

These practices are not just quick tricks to shift brain fog but doorways to a vibrant and purposeful life.

Embrace the power of alignment, discover your Ikigai and Dharma, and weave movement into your daily routine.

You will invite not only mental clarity but also a higher frequency of living where passion, purpose, and fulfilment exist in harmony.

Your days will be filled with the things you love, that excite you, make you laugh and your heart smile.

Your boundless energy, the way you positively impact others and the joy of living in alignment with your true self will continue to attract wealth and fortune to you.

Thank you for reading with me!

If you would like to see more of my yoga tips and tricks you can follow me here

And if you are interested in practicing with me through my workshops, retreats and digital products you can find out more here through my website.

I look forward to connecting with you



Jordan Moore

I help people cultivate holistic wellness and personal growth through the guidance of Yoga and Pilates mentorship, as well as wellness retreats and workshops.

Through my writing, I will provide you with wisdom and tools to integrate mindfulness and movement practices into your life and daily routine.

I am also a keen adventurer so look out for my travel stories, tips and tricks!


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