Yoga and Wellness Retreats Expand your Mind and CHANGE YOUR LIFE


Life is busy, exhilarating and stimulating.


But when we are constantly ‘doing’, we are not ‘Being’.


When you stop and let go of all of the noise, you create space.

You create space for reflection, introspection and for new ideas and inspiration to come to you and flow through you.


Our stimulating lifestyles can make it very challenging to find time for stillness.


Stepping away for a retreat is something that I truly believe everyone should invest in.


You do not just improve your health, wellness and mindset and come away a better person for your own sake, but also for the sake of others.


You are able to show up for others with presence, compassion and understanding.

You will be more resilient, and permeable, and have the ability to separate yourself from challenges and concerns.

Instead of letting challenges and frustrations take a hold of you, you perceive challenges as separate from yourself and an opportunity to learn and grow.


Whatever is happening in your external environment; good, bad or indifferent, you can stay connected to inner peace and contentment that arises within you.


Retreats will change your life.


Here’s how…




1.    You will embrace PERSONAL GROWTH:


For many people, it's very rare to start your day with meditation and yoga.

It’s rare for many people to eat organic whole foods for a whole week straight.

It's also rare to be able to move through your day as slow as a snail, consume chapters of a book or find space to do absolutely nothing.


Can you imagine how your mind, your nervous system and your life might shift if you did these things?


You would finally have the chance to reflect, set intentions, and envision your path forward.


Through time of introspection and self-inquiry, you'll find clarity through your thoughts, you will find new inspiration and ideas, empowering you to make shifts in your life to welcome personal growth and take aligned action towards your dreams and goals.



2.    You will BUILD COMMUNITY:


Retreats are a beautiful personal and inwards journey.

And they are also an opportunity to connect with like-minded souls on a shared path of growth and discovery.


You will be surrounded by a supportive community, where you will make new friends, share stories, laugh, maybe cry! and have the most deep and meaningful conversations that you will cherish beyond your retreat.


You'll create memories and friendships that will fill your heart and last a lifetime.



3.    You will discover HOLISTIC HEALING:


During retreats you don’t just nourish your physical body, but also your mind, your emotions, your energy and your spirit.


You will practice daily yoga, meditation, breathwork, sound journeys and probably workshops and healing practices that you’ve never experienced before.


You'll release tension, reduce stress, and nurture inner peace.


These practices offer you tools and a path to self-awareness, emotional resilience and balance that you can adopt as new habits and integrate back into your daily life.





It is uncommon that our lives allow us to disconnect from our phones and computers for a whole day. But on retreat, you have permission to disconnect for an entire week!


By stepping away from technology and distractions, you can fully immerse yourself in the present moment, cultivating mindfulness and deepening your yoga practice.


It's a chance to disconnect from the noise of the outside world and reconnect with your innermost self.





Imagine waking up in the lush jungle of Bali, your villa cradled between the flowing river and the canopy of the trees.


You'll awaken to the wind blowing through the leaves and breath-taking views from your cliff-top balcony.

Nature becomes your sanctuary where you can reconnect with the earth and rejuvenate your spirit.


Whether you're practising yoga with the breeze of the open-air shala, mediating down beside the flowing river or walking barefoot on the grass, your immersion into nature will ground you, down-regulate your nervous system, detox your body and mind and rechange you with life force.



6.    You will build a SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE:


The lessons and experiences you gain on retreat can be carried forward into your everyday life.


By integrating your new mindfulness practices, self-care rituals, and healthy habits into your routine, you can sustain your well-being and continue your journey of growth long after the retreat ends.


It's about building yourself a lifestyle that is sustainable, nurturing, aligns with your values, and supports your highest self.



7.    You will reconnect to your TRUE SELF:


Do you even know who you are when you step away from your everyday roles, responsibilities and all the hats that you wear during your day?


How often do you stop and take time to get to know yourself?


Perhaps the most profound gift of a retreat is the opportunity to rediscover who you truly are.


When you step away from the roles and responsibilities that identify you, you create space for authentic and deep self-discovery.

Through solitude, introspection, and meditation, you'll peel back the layers of conditioning and reconnect with your inner essence.


You will return home rooted within yourself and your energy.

You will feel inner confidence and a fire inside your belly that inspires you to take the actions and make the shifts that you need to live your life with passion and purpose.






This is your invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth.


It's a chance to reconnect with nature, nurture your body and soul, and cultivate a life of purpose and meaning.


Take the first step and watch as your life unfolds in ways you never imagined possible.




If you would like to learn more about joining me on retreat in Bali Oct 13-19, please reach out!


I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you along this incredible journey!



2024 Bali Yoga Retreat

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Jordan Moore

I help people cultivate holistic wellness and personal growth through the guidance of Yoga and Pilates mentorship, as well as wellness retreats and workshops.

Through my writing, I will provide you with wisdom and tools to integrate mindfulness and movement practices into your life and daily routine.

I am also a keen adventurer so look out for my travel stories, tips and tricks!

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