Imposer syndrome holds so many of us back from pressuring our dreams or from stepping out of our comfort zone to ask for what we actually want and deserve.

So many people have amazing and original ideas but fail to step out of their own way to be able to bring these amazing ideas into the world!

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is the nagging feeling that you don’t truly deserve your success, that you’re not talented enough or experienced enough.

It’s the internal fear that you might have of being exposed as a fraud.

The journey towards overcoming imposter syndrome begins with the understanding that everyone needs to start somewhere.

You may not have expertise now, but you do have original ideas and something you can bring into the world that no one else can because there is only one you.

As soon as you take one step towards your fears and the unknown, then you’re one step closer to your dreams.

You will become stronger, more confident and will gain more experience.

“Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

- George Addair

Often, when you identify the roots of your fears, then they begin to dissolve.

It’s common to have false self-beliefs ingrained into you from childhood experiences or from a comment that was made to you in the past.

Perhaps a parent told you that you can’t sing, or a teacher told you that you were not academic, and you have consciously, or subconsciously, held onto this belief and allowed it to hold you back from your desires.

Your ego will hold onto limiting beliefs as a safety mechanism.

The ego always wants to strengthen its identity.

It will try to hold you back from any risk of embarrassment or failure by circulating these thoughts of fear and fraudulence that keep you in the comfort zone — the safe zone where you cannot grow or uplevel to your higher self.

Your dreams and ambitions were placed in your heart for a reason — you are the person who is supposed to fulfil them.

Continuing to read as we call out the thoughts and excuses that creep into your mind and hold you back from being the best version of yourself and living the abundant life that you deserve.


“The market is too saturated”

Firstly, your voice matters.

You might be hesitant to pursue a dream, thinking,

“but the market is saturated. There are so many others doing the same thing.”

The truth is; no one is doing it with your voice, your life experience, your personality, and your perspectives.

Your uniqueness is what sets you apart and makes what you have to offer and share so valuable.

Embrace your unique influence.

Personalise what you do.

Whether it’s a business, a service, or a community you envision, infuse it with your personal touch.

Share your story, your struggles, and your wins.

Authenticity is magnetic.

There will be people who resonate with your story and genuine personality and will learn from you and be inspired by you.

“You can’t look at the competition and say you’re going to do it better. You have to look at the competition and say you’re going to do it differently.”

- Steve Jobs


“I don’t have enough experience or expertise yet”

As I have said already, everyone has to start somewhere.

If Nelson Mandela gave up when he was oppressed and imprisoned, then he would never have continued to fight to end apartheid and eventually become president.

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” — Nelson Mandala

If Steve Jobs gave up when he got fired by Apple, then we wouldn’t have iPhones and MacBooks that keep us connected and enable us to work and search the internet wherever we are in the world.

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

- Steve Jobs


“I don’t have enough”

Imposter syndrome thrives in a scarcity mindset.

Shift your perspective to one of abundance.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, celebrate what you do have.

Jay Shetty says, “when you are grateful for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for.”

Your subconscious mind believes what you tell it, so feed it with positive affirmations and thoughts of abundance.

Gratitude is a magnet for miracles.

Vision boards and daily affirmations are a great way to reinforce your worth and potential.

Vision boards and journaling help you to visualise yourself achieving your dreams.

The more you immerse yourself in these visions and positive thoughts, the sooner your current reality will align with them.

The energy and thoughts that you project, is the energy and circumstances that you will attract.


“I don’t have the finances”

Perhaps your dreams require a financial investment to get started.

Maybe you have dreams of travelling the world, but money feels like a barrier.

Oftentimes, financial barriers are just a perspective.

I like to think of money as energy.

Money comes and money goes.

It’s a cycle.

If you hold onto money like it is finite and in lack, then you will halt the cycle and you won’t receive anything.

If you have a positive relationship with money and use it as though it is abundant to you, it circles back to you with excitement, joy and opportunity; it will continue to provide to you.

There are other ways to exchange energy to get the things that you want.

Think outside the box and look at creative solutions that turn potential money barriers into opportunities.

Maybe it’s exchanging a skill you have or helping someone with a problem they have. If you want to travel, then perhaps consider a work exchange — a homestay or volunteering your time or skills in exchange for food and accommodation.

Remember, it’s often all about mindset.


Surround yourself with supportive people…

Build yourself a community.

Find a mentor, friends, or people who share the same dreams and uplift and encourage you.

Share your aspirations with those who genuinely want to see you succeed.

Their excitement is only going to contribute to the energy of your dreams which draws them closer to you.

Celebrate small wins…

Recognise and celebrate every accomplishment, even if it feels small.

Each step forward is a success.

Acknowledging your progress will build confidence and help you to identify the thoughts of imposter syndrome that want to ‘keep you safe’ and in your comfort zone.

Continuous learning…

Improve your skills and knowledge consistently.

Attend workshops, enrol in courses, read books and seek opportunities for growth.

The more you invest in your development, the more confident you become in your abilities.

You’re also likely to meet like-minded people that you can add to your community of cheerleaders. You might meet people who can connect you with opportunities that help you reach your goals.

View ‘failures’ as stepping stones and learning experiences…

Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a part of it.

Shift your perspective around challenges and blocks in the road.

Sometimes these blocks are the Universe guiding you down a different path towards something better than you could have imagined.

Your dreams are valid…

Imposter syndrome and thoughts of self-doubt may linger, but remember, you have the power to recognise when the ego is trying to gain control.

Each time you catch the thoughts of self-doubt, come back to your ‘why’, look at your vision board and repeat your affirmations.

Reframe your mindset and remember the strength that challenges provide you, which drives you towards the life of your dreams.

There is a great metaphor about bamboo that teaches us patience in building strong foundations to thrive and shine as our highest self…

…“bamboo takes five years to grow. When you look at bamboo within its first few years of growth, you can’t see anything above ground! But as you water and fertilise the seemingly empty ground every day, tremendous things begin to happen beneath the surface. The bamboo plant spreads its strong roots and obtains the necessary water and nutrients for its special showcase.

In the fifth year, after it has built its root network, the bamboo tree will then skyrocket into the air.”

Your journey is uniquely yours, and people will embrace and love the authentic, remarkable contribution that only you can provide.

If you would like more actionable tools and practices that will help you overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome, then I’m sure you will enjoy and benefit from my blog, “Use your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to RISE ABOVE IMPOSTER SYNDROME”.

Thank you for reading with me!

If you would like to see more of my yoga tips and tricks you can follow me here

And if you are interested in practicing with me through my workshops, retreats and digital products you can find out more here through my website.

I look forward to connecting with you


Jordan Moore

I help people cultivate holistic wellness and personal growth through the guidance of Yoga and Pilates mentorship, as well as wellness retreats and workshops.

Through my writing, I will provide you with wisdom and tools to integrate mindfulness and movement practices into your life and daily routine.

I am also a keen adventurer so look out for my travel stories, tips and tricks!


What is The Super Blue Moon?… A Time for Release, Renewal, and Community


Use your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to RISE ABOVE IMPOSTER SYNDROME (inspired by the wisdom of Joseph Murphy)