The Triggering, Confronting and Life changing Things I Learned From ‘The Body Keeps the Score’.
Trauma is not just a story in your mind - it’s a physiological imprint in your body.
It alters your nervous system, your breath, your posture, even the way you experience time.
Here are some fascinating and confronting truths that I learned from The Body Keeps The Score.
The Freedom of Boundaries: Why Are Personal Boundaries So Important?
We often think of boundaries as rules we impose on others, but in reality, they are standards and promises we set for ourselves.
Rather than being rules for others to follow, they are commitments we make to ourselves. They are guiding principles that honour our energy, well-being, and values.
Embrace your boundaries with confidence, knowing that they are your key to a life that is aligned with your values, and a life that is fulfilling, balanced and expansive.
Journaling Prompts to End the Year with Intention - Reflect, Celebrate, and Grow.
Through this journal reflection, you not only celebrate your journey but also pave the way for growth and intention as we step into a new year.
The highs, the lows, the challenges, and the triumphs – they all weave together to create the tapestry of your life and to guide you to exactly where you need to be.
Journal to set your intention, mindset, goals, visions and values for the new year.
What is The Super Blue Moon?… A Time for Release, Renewal, and Community
The August Super Blue Moon and Aquarius Moon.
This is a rare and powerful moon that helps us to let go and create space for something new and meaningful to plant seeds and form roots.
Imposer syndrome holds so many of us back from pressuring our dreams or from stepping out of our comfort zone to ask for what we actually want and deserve.
Learn tools and techniques to identify the roots of your fears and overcome limiting beliefs.
Your dreams and ambitions were placed in your heart for a reason - you are the person who is supposed to fulfil them.
What is the Significance of Number 9 and 108 in Yoga and Indian Tradition?
In numerology and Indian Tradition, the numbers 9 and 108 hold profound spiritual significance and is considered sacred for several reasons.
Ultimately, these numbers are a symbol of cosmic unity, spiritual evolution, and the interconnectedness of all existence.