What is Yoga Nidra? It’s Benefits and Scientific Support

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a meditation technique that invokes a state of consciousness that rides the wave between wakefulness and sleep.


Yoga Nidra enables you to access a state of consciousness that promotes healing and self-awareness.

During this mediation technique, you will lie down comfortably and listen as you are guided through body scans, breath awareness, and visualisation until you release all thoughts and rest in pure, conscious awareness.


Your brain’s activity can be measured by the frequency of your brain waves.



There are five types of brain waves which vary throughout the day and during different activities:

·      Beta brainwaves: Creates an awake, and alert state.

These waves are dominant when you are awake and engaged in active thinking, problem-solving and decision-making. You might experience beta waves during work, studying, or engaging in lively conversation.

·      SMR brainwaves: Sensory motor rhythm (SMR) creates a calm, quiet and alert state.

This is present when you feel a calm and focused alertness such as when practicing a musical instrument or working on a repetitive task that requires attention.

·      Alpha brainwaves: Creates a relaxed and calm state, often experienced during light meditation, gentle yoga, resting or daydreaming. Alpha waves are a bridge between beta waves (alert) and theta waves (meditative).

·      Theta brainwaves: Cultivates deep relaxation, meditation, and the lighter stages of sleep. You might experience theta waves during activities like meditation or while drifting off to sleep.

·      Delta brainwaves: These waves are associated with deep, dreamless sleep. Delta waves are prominent during the deepest stages of sleep when your body is completely relaxed and begins to restore, self-regulate, and heal at a cellular level.


Yoga Nidra takes you beyond Theta brainwaves into Delta brainwaves, facilitating a profound state of inner stillness and dreamless sleep.

Yoga Nidra also stimulates the pineal gland, located at the top of your brain stem.

This gland regulates your circadian rhythm by releasing melatonin, which synchronises your sleep/wake cycle and helps manage menstrual cycles and prevents neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.


By activating the pineal gland, Yoga Nidra supports melatonin production, deep rest and restoration for both your body and mind.





No- mind

Many yoga philosophies emphasise stilling the mind to a single point of focus or contemplation. Yoga Nidra’s goal is to surrender into a state of no-mind and complete relaxation.



“When awareness is separate and distinct from mental activity,

when waking, dream and deep sleep pass like clouds,

yet awareness of Self remains,

this is the experience of total relaxation…

That is why, in tantra,

yoga nidra is said to be the doorway to Samadhi.”

- Swami Satyananda


Sanskrit words: 'yoga,' which means union, and 'nidra,' which means sleep




Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra offers a multitude of benefits, both physical and mental including improved sleep, mindfulness and self-awareness, it releases emotional fatigue and aids emotional healing, improves concentration, improves stress management and promotes overall relaxation.

It is said that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is as restorative as three hours of sleep.


Scientific research on Yoga Nidra shows its positive effects on both mental and physical health:


·      Stress Reduction: Studies have shown that Yoga Nidra can decrease cortisol levels, the stress hormone, leading to a reduction in anxiety and tension.

·      Improved Sleep Quality: Research indicates that Yoga Nidra can improve sleep quality and help treat insomnia.

·      Reduces depression and anxiety: Yoga Nidra has been found to regulate hormones and emotions and improve mood, decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

·      Cognitive Function: Yoga Nidra can improve cognitive function, memory, and focus.


Yoga Nidra is a powerful tool for relaxation, self-discovery and profound inner awareness.

With numerous benefits supported by scientific research, it is a meditation technique that can be practised by anyone to improve health and well-being from a holistic approach.

Thank you for reading with me.

If you would like one of my Yoga Nidra scripts FREE, click here.

If you would like to practice with me, why don’t you completely immerse yourself in the practice of yoga through my Bali Yoga Retreat, here.

Jordan Moore

I help people cultivate holistic wellness and personal growth through the guidance of Yoga and Pilates mentorship, as well as wellness retreats and workshops.

Through my writing, I will provide you with wisdom and tools to integrate mindfulness and movement practices into your life and daily routine.

I am also a keen adventurer so look out for my travel stories, tips and tricks!


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